
Showing posts from January, 2017
Why Cloud Computing is now the 'Thing'. A view of an African Technologist. By Muhumuza Faizo King. In the last week of November last year, we commenced a Microsoft organized Cloud computing colloquium in Machakos County - Kenya with the clear objective of spreading the now unavoidable computing gospel ‘Cloud-Computing’ to East and Central Africa. Technical brains from Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and my home country Uganda graced the event with their presence and it was such a pronounced lifetime technical experience that amplified my braveness to support the revolutionary cloud computing technology I once disapproved, according to the late Egyptian diplomat Boutras Ghali,  “It is a fool who does not change his mind”. In this day and age, it would be pessimistic to dissociate one ‘self from technological innovation. There are inexhaustible reasons that describe why I now agree that indeed Cloud Computing is the ‘thing’. Imagine you have servers in an org...